Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Not making a decision is STILL a decision

Why do we always say that we need to think things over? It’s usually not because we want to actually take time and break it down even more than we already have (over analysis paralysis) , it is because we ultimately know what to do; we just don’t want to do it. And even though you think that you are not yet making a decision, a decision is STILL made. You are choosing to do nothing.

If you do not remember anything from reading this entry then please take this one phrase with you:

"Not making a decision is STILL a decision."

I know it seems so painfully simple, but why do people not realize this?

“Oh, I’m just going to think about it.” or

“I’ll figure it out tomorrow.” Or

“Well, I don’t want to hurt their feelings.”

Stop lying to yourself and realize that by procrastinating you are making a decision to sweep it under the rug or bottle it up until it becomes an even BIGGER problem. Trust me. I have seen this happen dozens of times. Face your issues! Stand up for your decisions and convictions, and own up to your actions. And, don’t deny it when someone calls you out on it.

Quit thinking about it and read the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. A study was done based on decision making that anytime you are faced with a decision roughly 80% of the time you will settle for your initial reaction decision that you instinctively made at the moment you were faced with the question. So why waste so much time to just go with your “gut” feeling in the end? Trust your instincts. And, believe me; I know that not all decisions can be made instantly. Some need careful and critical thought by applying the OAR Principal: Objectives, Alternatives. & Risk. This BLOG entry is solely applied to postponing decisions we NEED to make but will not.

Please realize that the choices you make impact everything around and inside you. Be proactive, not reactive. Don’t put off decisions until you absolutely HAVE to make a choice. Realize that by postponing honesty for the sake of not wanting to hurt someone will just hurt them more in the end. Wake up, be honest (with others and yourself), and realize that NOT making a decision IS in fact a decision!

- Nick Gray

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nick,
    You're so right! I'm enjoying your blogs-keep it up!
