Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What is best for you?

We all know our good friends pretty well. Right? Think about this: Do we sometimes avoid advice from certain friends and take it from others? Of course we do. Why when we were kids did we ask our mom and she said no then ask our dad and he said yes? Because we want to hear what we want to hear, and maybe not what we need to hear. Very often what we need to hear is tough to swallow.

Today’s lesson: Be very aware of whom you are taking advice from; or in other words, be aware of who is influencing you. What are their motives for you? Are they capable of rational and unemotional decision making? People take bad advice every day. Lord knows we all have, but it is important to make sure that your friends are giving you advice based on what is best for you and not advice that might be best for THEM or what THEY want for you. It is always appropriate to gain an outside perspective however, so do not completely abandon a friend’s advice. Very often I have to swallow my pride and realize that occasionally I don’t always know what is best for me. And that can be very frustrating, but learn from your mistakes of not taking good advice. If you move forward and do not learn from missteps in life then you will probably make the same mistake again and remain at the same maturity level. So to reiterate, when faced with tough life decisions, I encourage you to take an outside perspective but be very aware of exactly where that advice is coming from.

“Advice is seldom welcome, and those who need it the most, like it the least.” - Lord Chesterfield

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